5 Ways to Support Your Pastor’s Wife All Year Long


1) Give her a gift- something that you know she likes that she doesn’t have to share with anyone else. This tells her she is known– and loved– by you.

2) Take her out to coffee- take time out of your busy day to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. She wants to be heard just like everyone else. Take time to listen– without expecting anything in return.

3) Write her a note– Handwritten notes are a thing of the past. Taking the time to hand write an encouraging word means more than you know. She’ll treasure it forever.

4) Make a scrapbook- Take pictures of her time in your church both with members and give her a scrapbook filled with encouraging notes and memories of the many ways she has served through the years.

5) Give her a vacation– If you are lucky enough to have a vacation home, offer it to your pastor (and wife) free of charge. Some pastors can’t afford a vacation. A place to enjoy their family without the burden of price will be the first step in some much- needed rest.

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